Igwe na-efesa Polyurethane
Igwe na-agba agba nke polyurethane na-arụ ọrụ igwe na-agba agba nke polyurethane bụ ihe dị mkpa maka ngwa mkpuchi, na nlekọta kwesịrị ekwesị na nlekọta dị mkpa maka ịhụ na ogologo oge ha na-arụ ọrụ a pụrụ ịdabere na ya.Nke a bụ ụfọdụ ntuziaka dị mkpa ị ga-agbaso maka mmezi nke polyurethane ...GỤKWUO -
Otu esi ehichaa ngwa ụfụfụ polyurethane nke ọma
Otu esi ehichapụ ihe eji eme ihe nke ọma nke polyurethane foam na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma nwere ike ọ bụghị nanị na ọ na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma nke ngwá ọrụ ahụ, kamakwa ọ na-agbatị ndụ ọrụ nke ngwa ụfụfụ.Ya mere, n'agbanyeghị echiche nke, ọ dị ezigbo mkpa ka ihicha ...GỤKWUO -
Ihe mkpuchi mkpuchi nke mgbidi dị n'ime ụlọ na mgbidi dị n'èzí Polyurethane mkpuchi ihe mkpuchi ihe
Ihe mkpuchi mkpuchi nke mgbidi dị n'ime ụlọ na mgbidi dị n'èzí Polyurethane mkpuchi ihe mkpuchi ihe bụ ụkpụrụ nnabata maka mkpuchi mgbidi dị n'èzí?Enwere ike kewaa nnabata nke mgbidi mkpuchi mgbidi dị n'ime ihe nchịkwa isi na ihe n'ozuzu.Ụzọ nnabata...GỤKWUO -
Enwere ike ịgbanye polyurethane n'ime akpa n'ezie na-ekpo ọkụ?
Enwere ike ịgbanye polyurethane n'ime akpa n'ezie na-ekpo ọkụ?Ụdị ụlọ akpa kachasị ewu ewu bụ inye ebe obibi maka ndị ọrụ na ebe a na-ewu ihe.Ha nwere ike idozi n'oge okpomọkụ ma ọ bụ oyi oyi?Ọ gaghị adị oyi ka ọ dị ọkụ?N'ezie, ma ọ bụ okpomọkụ ma ọ bụ oyi, arịa ...GỤKWUO -
Nyocha nke uru isi isii nke Polyurethane Agba Steel Sanwichi Panel
Nyocha nke 6 isi Uru nke Polyurethane Agba Steel Sanwichi Panel Mpụta oyi akwa nke polyurethane agba ígwè sanwichi panel bụ nke agba ígwè efere, aluminum efere, ọla kọpa efere na ndị ọzọ metal ihe, n'ime oyi akwa na-mere elu ihu igwe na-eguzogide galvanized agba ígwè. p...GỤKWUO -
Ihe na-akpata na ngwọta nke mmejọ akụrụngwa ịgbasa polyurea
Ihe na-akpata na ngwọta nke Polyurea Spraying Equipment Faults 1. The booster pump failure of polyurea spraying equipment 1) Booster pump leakage Enweghi ike zuru oke nke iko mmanụ iji pịa akara ahụ, na-akpata nkwụsị ihe onwunwe Ogologo oge eji akara akara 2) Enwere oji. kristal ihe onwunwe ...GỤKWUO -
Ihe ndị chọrọ nlebara anya mgbe ị na-ehicha ihe nrịbama polyurethane
Ihe ndị chọrọ nlebara anya mgbe ị na-ehicha ihe nrịbama nke polyurethane Otu akụkụ dị mkpa nke mmezi ihe na-eme ka polyurethane dị ọcha bụ nhicha.Mgbe ị na-ehicha ihe, ṅaa ntị na isi ihe ndị a: 1. Igwe ọkụ na-ekpo ọkụ nke polyurethane spraying machine: Pịa bọtịnụ ntọhapụ nrụgide mgbe ịgbasa ...GỤKWUO -
2023 PolyurethaneX Anyị na-eche gị!
2023 PolyurethaneX Anyị na-eche gị!Teknụzụ ọgbara ọhụrụ, Lead Ọdịnihu ❗ mbipụta 14th nke International Specialized Exhibition na akụrụngwa, akụrụngwa na teknụzụ maka imepụta polyurethane.Anyị na-eche gị!Na ihe ngosi a, anyị ga-egosipụta n'ụzọ zuru ezu anyị polyuretha ...GỤKWUO -
Ịghọta Usoro nke Panel Polyurethane
Igwe mkpuchi mkpuchi nke polyurethane dị otú ahụ na usoro mmepụta ihe n'ezie ga-enwe ụdị ọrụ mkpuchi dị iche iche, na ihe a na-emepụta oge, anyị kwesịrị inwekwu nghọta nke usoro ha, mgbe niile, ghọta usoro ahụ, iji nyere anyị aka ịhọrọ nke ọma. ihe...GỤKWUO -
Ụkpụrụ na-arụ ọrụ nke igwe ụfụfụ dị elu
Usoro nchịkwa ọnọdụ isi na-awụpụ nke igwe ụfụfụ dị elu na-agụnye isi mmiri na-agbapụta na uwe aka na-edobe n'èzí isi mmiri.A na-ahazi cylinder hydraulic kwụ ọtọ n'etiti aka uwe na isi mmiri.The cylinder ahụ nke vetikal hydraulic cylinder bụ njikọ ...GỤKWUO -
Kedu ihe kpatara nrụgide nke igwe ụfụfụ polyurethane na-agbanwe ma nrụgide ezughị?
Mgbe a na-eji igwe ụfụfụ polyurethane eme ihe, mgbe ụfọdụ n'ihi na onye na-arụ ọrụ na-eji ya eme ihe na-ekwesịghị ekwesị ma ọ bụ ihe ndị ọzọ, akụkụ ụfọdụ nke ngwá ọrụ n'onwe ya nwere nsogbu, na-akpata nkwụsị ọrụ, dị ka: a na-egbochi isi ihe na-agwakọta, nrụgide dị elu na nke dị ala. valvụ na-atụgharị m enweghị ike cl ...GỤKWUO -
Kedu ka esi emepụta ụfụfụ oche?Ka m were gị chọpụta
Ụfụfụ oche n'ozuzu na-ezo aka na ụfụfụ polyurethane, nke a na-eji ihe abụọ mejupụtara gbakwunyere ihe mgbakwunye kwekọrọ na obere ihe ndị ọzọ, bụ nke a na-agbapụta site na ebu.A na-ekewa usoro mmepụta dum n'ime usoro atọ: ọkwa nkwadebe, ọkwa mmepụta na nhazi nhazi ...GỤKWUO